International Conference on Teaching and Science Education
Virtual Conference | August 25, 2020
Here is the procedure:
1. Create new account: click “Sign Up” at 2nd ICTASE homepage.
2. Create a username, password, your PERSONAL email address and ORGANIZATIONAL email address, then FILL THE CAPTCHA.
3. Login to your account: click “Login” at 2nd ICTASE homepage or direct link in your email.
4. Fill all personal data and abstract/paper detail required (*).
5. Fill all the columns detail required (*) – including your conference paper.
* Make sure author follow the conference paper template as stated in the submission guideline page of conference website. Minimum 2000 words and maximum 3500 words in total. Paste formatting with a keyboard schortcut: “Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V” or “Command+C then Command+V” options then click “Keep Formatting”.
6. Monitor and check your registration status and progress by login to your account.
7. You will get an announcement from email regarding your paper status. You can directly download the letter of acceptance (LOA), invoice, and content review through login to your registration account.
8. Make the payment (only after announcement of abstract acceptance – LOA received) and upload the payment proof through our online system (NOT email): by login to your account, then select “Payment Confirmation” menu under “Followed Event – 2nd ICTASE” dashboard.
9. Create your presentation and upload to the system.
10 Go to the virtual conference as per schedule.
Note for publication: Please check with any plagiarism detection software and make sure to have only at most 20% similarity score. Any paper with more than 20% similarity score will not be considered in the publication database unless specify to us the proof of similarity score.